Este calendario permite ver todas las entradas que se publicaron en un día en especifico
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<div id='calendar'><strong>Loading...</strong></div> <script> var conf = { bgcolor: '#5692ce', newtab: 0, // 0:abre link en la misma ventana | 1:abre link en ventana nueva start: 1, // 0:Domingo | 1:Lunes days: "Lunes|Martes|Miercoles|Jueves|Viernes|Sabado|Domingo", months: "Enero|Febrero|Marzo|Abril|Mayo|Junio|Julio|Agosto|Septiembre|Octubre|Noviembre|Diciembre", date: "Ir al mes actual" } </script> <script type='text/javascript'> /* - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - */ /* - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - */ /* - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - */ /* * create-calendar.js v1.0 * Url demo: * You are free to use the code below and modify it according to your needs. * Date: 2015-02-23 * Author: José María Acuña Morgado || Web Developer * Email: */ var confJson = {day:[], month:[], year:[], dateText:[], titleText:[], href:[]}, confDate = {monthName:[], dayName:[], today:new Date()}, confToday = {,,}, confStyle = {anchor:'text-decoration:none;color:#000;cursor:default;', border:'border:1px solid #6F695A;', family:'verdana,arial;', size:11, bgover:'#d2d2d2'}, confSource = {right:'', left:'', drop:''} confOther = {content:null, contentMonth:null, contentYear:null, contentDate:null, monthSelected:0, yearSelected:0, dateSelected:0, monthPosition:false, monthConstructed:false, yearConstructed:false, interval1:null, interval2:null, timeout1:null, timeout2:null, startYear:0} function createCalendar(json){ var entries = json.feed.entry; var date, year, month, day, entry, published, contentDate, pos, styleArrow, styleDate, headCalendar, widthCalendar; for(var i=0; i<entries.length; i++){ entry = entries[i]; published = entry.published.$t; date = new Date(published).toDateString(); if(!isNaN(date)){ year = date.getFullYear(); month = (date.getMonth()+1); day = date.getDate(); }else{ year = published.split('-')[0]; month = published.split('-')[1]; day = (published.split('-')[2]).substring(0,2); } if(month.length < 2) month = '0'+month; if(day.length < 2) day = '0'+day; confJson.year[i] = year; confJson.month[i] = month;[i] = day; confJson.dateText[i] = day+'/'+month+'/'+year; for(var j=0; j<; j++){ if([j].rel == 'alternate'){ confJson.titleText[i] =[j].title.replace(/"/g,'"'); confJson.href[i] =[j].href; } } } if(confJson.dateText.length){ for(var nMonth=0; nMonth<11; nMonth++){ pos = conf.months.indexOf('|'); if(pos > 0) confDate.monthName[nMonth] = conf.months.substr(0, pos); conf.months = conf.months.substr(pos + 1); } confDate.monthName[11] = conf.months; for(var nDay=0; nDay<6; nDay++){ pos = conf.days.indexOf("|"); if(pos > 0){ confDate.dayName[nDay] = conf.days.substr(0, pos); } conf.days = conf.days.substr(pos + 1); } confDate.dayName[6] = conf.days; confToday.yearNow += 1900; confOther.monthConstructed = false; confOther.yearConstructed = false; widthCalendar = 200; //calendar size contentDate = "\ <div id='contentDate' style='width:"+widthCalendar+"px'><table style='text-align:center;font-family:""font-size:"+confStyle.size+"px;box-shadow:0 0 10px #333;background-color:#fff'><tr id='chead' style='background-color:"+conf.bgcolor+";'><td><table style='width:218px'><tr><td style='padding:2px;font-family:arial; font-size:"+confStyle.size+"px;text-align:center'><span style='color:#fff'><strong><span id='caption'></span></strong></span></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td style='padding:5px;background-color:#fff'><span id='content'></span></td></tr>\ <tr style='background-color:"+confStyle.bgover+"'><td style='padding:5px' align='center'><span id='lblToday'></span></td></tr>\ </table></div><div id='selectMonth' style='position:relative;max-width:"+widthCalendar+"px;visibility:hidden;'></div><div id='selectYear' style='position:relative;top:0;max-width:"+widthCalendar+"px;visibility:hidden;'></div>"; document.getElementById("calendar").innerHTML = contentDate; document.getElementById("lblToday").innerHTML = "<a title='""' style='"+confStyle.anchor+";cursor:pointer;' href='#' onclick='confOther.monthSelected=confToday.monthNow;confOther.yearSelected=confToday.yearNow;constructCalendar();return false;'>"+confDate.dayName[(]+", "+confToday.dateNow+" " +confDate.monthName[confToday.monthNow]+" "+confToday.yearNow+"</a>"; confOther.content = document.getElementById("contentDate").style; confOther.contentMonth = document.getElementById("selectMonth").style; confOther.contentYear = document.getElementById("selectYear").style; confOther.contentDate = document.getElementById("contentDate"); styleArrow = "border:1px solid #eee;cursor:pointer;padding:1;line-height:8px;"; styleDate = "font-family:""font-weight:bold;font-size:"+confStyle.size+"px;color:#313131;border:1px solid #eee;cursor:pointer;" headCalendar = "<table width='100%' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='2'><tr><td style='width:5px'><div id='spanLeft' style='"+styleArrow+"' onmouseover='overMonth(this);' onclick='decMonth()' onmouseout='clearInterval(confOther.interval1);outMonth(this);' onmousedown='clearTimeout(confOther.timeout1);confOther.timeout1=setTimeout(\"StartDecMonth()\",500)' onmouseup='clearTimeout(confOther.timeout1);clearInterval(confOther.interval1)'><img id='changeLeft' src='"+confSource.left+"'></div></td>"; headCalendar += "<td style='width:5px'><div id='spanRight' style='"+styleArrow+"' onmouseover='overMonth(this);' onmouseout='clearInterval(confOther.interval1);outMonth(this);' onclick='incMonth()' onmousedown='clearTimeout(confOther.timeout1);confOther.timeout1=setTimeout(\"StartIncMonth()\",500)' onmouseup='clearTimeout(confOther.timeout1);clearInterval(confOther.interval1)'><img id='changeRight' src='"+confSource.right+"'></div></td>"; headCalendar += "<td style='text-align:right'><span id='spanMonth' style='background-color:#fff;"+styleDate+"' onmouseover='overBox(this);' onmouseout='outBox(this);' onclick='popUpMonth()'></span></td>"; headCalendar += "<td style='text-align:right'><span id='spanYear' style='background-color:#fff;"+styleDate+"' onmouseover='overBox(this);' onmouseout='outBox(this);' onclick='popUpYear()'></span></td></tr></table>"; document.getElementById("caption").innerHTML = headCalendar; popUpCalendar(); } } function overMonth(obj){ = confStyle.bgover; } function outMonth(obj){ = conf.bgcolor; } function overBox(obj){ = "#ced2db"; } function outBox(obj){ = "#fff"; } function StartDecMonth(){ confOther.interval1 = setInterval("decMonth()",80); } function StartIncMonth(){ confOther.interval1 = setInterval("incMonth()",80); } function incMonth(){ confOther.monthSelected++; if(confOther.monthSelected > 11){ confOther.monthSelected = 0; confOther.yearSelected++; }constructCalendar(); } function decMonth(){ confOther.monthSelected--; if(confOther.monthSelected < 0){ confOther.monthSelected = 11; confOther.yearSelected--; }constructCalendar(); } function overDate(oTd){ = confStyle.bgover; } function posTop(){ //alert(confOther.contentDate.offsetHeight + '\n' + document.getElementById('chead').offsetHeight); var top = -(confOther.contentDate.offsetHeight) + (document.getElementById('chead').offsetHeight - 4); return top; } function constructMonth(){ var sHTML, styleTable; popDownYear(); confOther.monthPosition = true; if(!confOther.monthConstructed){ sHTML = ""; for(var i=0; i<12; i++){ sName = confDate.monthName[i]; if(i == confOther.monthSelected){ sName = "<strong>"+sName+"</strong>"; } sHTML += "<tr><td id='m"+i+"' onmouseover='overDate(this);' onmouseout='\"\"' style='cursor:pointer;background-color:#fff' onclick='confOther.monthConstructed=false;confOther.monthSelected="+i+";constructCalendar();popDownMonth();event.cancelBubble=true;'> "+sName+" </td></tr>"; } styleTable = "font-family:arial;font-size:"+confStyle.size+"px;background-color:#fff;"; document.getElementById("selectMonth").innerHTML = "<table style='"+(styleTable+=confStyle.border)+"' cellspacing='0' onmouseover='clearTimeout(confOther.timeout1)' onmouseout='clearTimeout(confOther.timeout1);confOther.timeout1=setTimeout(\"popDownMonth()\",100);event.cancelBubble=true;'>"+sHTML+"</table>"; confOther.monthConstructed = true; } } function popUpMonth(){ constructMonth(); if(confOther.contentMonth.visibility == "hidden"){ confOther.contentMonth.visibility = "visible"; }else{ confOther.contentMonth.visibility = "hidden"; } confOther.contentMonth.left = confOther.contentDate.offsetWidth/2 - 30; = posTop(); } function popDownMonth(){ confOther.contentMonth.visibility = "hidden"; } function countYear(n){ var newYear, txtYear; for(var i=0; i<7; i++){ newYear = (i+confOther.startYear)+n; if(newYear == confOther.yearSelected){ txtYear = " <strong>"+newYear+"</strong> "; }else{ txtYear = " "+newYear+" "; } document.getElementById("y"+i).innerHTML = txtYear; } if(n>0){ confOther.startYear++; }else{ confOther.startYear--; } } function incYear(){ countYear(1); } function decYear(){ countYear(-1); } function selectYear(nYear){ confOther.yearSelected = parseInt(nYear+confOther.startYear); confOther.yearConstructed = false; constructCalendar(); popDownYear(); } function constructYear(){ var sHTML, styleTable; popDownMonth(); if(!confOther.yearConstructed){ sHTML = "<tr><td onmouseover='overDate(this);' onmouseout='clearInterval(confOther.interval1);\"\"' style='text-align:center;cursor:pointer' onmousedown='clearInterval(confOther.interval1);confOther.interval1=setInterval(\"decYear()\",30);event.cancelBubble=true;' onmouseup='clearInterval(confOther.interval1);event.cancelBubble=true;'><strong>⊼</strong></td></tr>"; j = 0; confOther.startYear = confOther.yearSelected-3; for(var i=(confOther.yearSelected-3); i<=(confOther.yearSelected+3); i++){ sName = i; if(i == confOther.yearSelected){ sName = "<strong>"+sName+"</strong>"; } sHTML += "<tr><td id='y"+j+"' onmouseover='overDate(this);' onmouseout='\"\"' style='text-align:center;cursor:pointer' onclick='selectYear("+j+");event.cancelBubble=true'> "+sName+" </td></tr>"; j++; } styleTable = "font-family:arial;font-size:"+confStyle.size+"px;background-color:#fff;"; sHTML += "<tr><td onmouseover='overDate(this);' onmouseout='clearInterval(confOther.interval2);\"\"' style='text-align:center;cursor:pointer' onmousedown='clearInterval(confOther.interval2);confOther.interval2=setInterval(\"incYear()\",30);event.cancelBubble=true;' onmouseup='clearInterval(confOther.interval2);event.cancelBubble=true;'><strong>⊻</strong></td></tr>"; document.getElementById("selectYear").innerHTML = "<table style='width:44px;"+(styleTable+=confStyle.border)+"' onmouseover='clearTimeout(confOther.timeout2)' onmouseout='clearTimeout(confOther.timeout2);confOther.timeout2=setTimeout(\"popDownYear()\",100)' cellspacing='0'>"+sHTML+"</table>"; confOther.yearConstructed = true; } } function popDownYear(){ clearInterval(confOther.interval1); clearTimeout(confOther.timeout1); clearInterval(confOther.interval2); clearTimeout(confOther.timeout2); confOther.contentYear.visibility = "hidden"; } function popUpYear(){ var heightMonth = 0; constructYear(); if(confOther.contentYear.visibility == "hidden"){ confOther.contentYear.visibility = "visible"; }else{ confOther.contentYear.visibility = "hidden"; } confOther.contentYear.left = confOther.contentDate.offsetWidth - 34; if(confOther.monthPosition){ heightMonth = document.getElementById("selectMonth").offsetHeight; } = posTop() - heightMonth; } function constructCalendar(){ var aNumDays = [31,0,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31], startDate = new Date(confOther.yearSelected,confOther.monthSelected,1), datePointer, endDate, sTitle, sHref, aData, sClass, sTarget; if(confOther.monthSelected==1){ endDate = new Date(confOther.yearSelected,confOther.monthSelected+1,1); endDate = new Date(endDate - (24*60*60*1000)); numDaysInMonth = endDate.getDate(); }else{ numDaysInMonth = aNumDays[confOther.monthSelected]; } datePointer = 0; dayPointer = startDate.getDay() - conf.start; if(dayPointer<0){ dayPointer = 6; } sHTML = "<table style='font-family:""font-size:"+(confStyle.size-1)+"px;'><tr>"; for(var i=0; i<7; i++){ sHTML += "<td style='width:27px;text-align:right'><strong>"+confDate.dayName[i].substr(0,3)+"</strong></td>"; } sHTML +="</tr><tr>"; for(var i=1; i<=dayPointer; i++){ sHTML += "<td> </td>"; } sTarget = (conf.newtab)?"_blank":"_parent"; sClass = (conf.tooltip)?"masterTooltip":""; for(datePointer=1; datePointer<=numDaysInMonth; datePointer++){ dayPointer++; sHTML += "<td style='text-align:right'>"; sTitle = ""; sHref = "javascript:#"; sStyle = confStyle.anchor; for(var i=0; i<confJson.dateText.length; i++){ if(datePointer ==[i] && (confOther.monthSelected+1) == confJson.month[i] && confOther.yearSelected == confJson.year[i]){ sStyle += "border-radius:100%;border:2px solid "+conf.bgcolor+";cursor:pointer;"; //sTitle = confJson.titleText[i]; sTitle += '✔ ' + confJson.titleText[i] + '\n'; sHref = confJson.href[i]; //break; } } if(datePointer == confToday.dateNow && confOther.monthSelected == confToday.monthNow && confOther.yearSelected == confToday.yearNow){ /* - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - */ /* - By MaverickC45 - */ sHTML += "<a title=\""+sTitle+"\" class='"+sClass+"' style='"+sStyle+"' href='" + confOther.yearSelected + "_" + (confOther.monthSelected + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0") + "_" + datePointer.toString().padStart(2, "0") +"_archive.html' target='"+sTarget+"'><span style='font-weight:bolder;color:#E2574C'>"+datePointer+"</span></a>"; }else if(dayPointer % 7 == (conf.start * -1)+1){ sHTML += "<a title=\""+sTitle+"\" class='"+sClass+"' style='"+sStyle+"' href='" + confOther.yearSelected + "_" + (confOther.monthSelected + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0") + "_" + datePointer.toString().padStart(2, "0") +"_archive.html' target='"+sTarget+"'><span style='color:#a00;font-weight:bolder'>"+datePointer+"</span></a>"; }else{ sHTML += "<a title=\""+sTitle+"\" class='"+sClass+"' style='"+sStyle+"' href='" + confOther.yearSelected + "_" + (confOther.monthSelected + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0") + "_" + datePointer.toString().padStart(2, "0") +"_archive.html' target='"+sTarget+"'>"+datePointer+"</a>"; } /* - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - */ sHTML += ""; if((dayPointer+conf.start) % 7 == conf.start){ sHTML += "</tr><tr>"; } } document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = sHTML; document.getElementById("spanMonth").innerHTML = " "+confDate.monthName[confOther.monthSelected]+" <img id='changeMonth' src='"+confSource.drop+"' style='width:12px;height:10px;border:0;'/>"; document.getElementById("spanYear").innerHTML = " "+confOther.yearSelected+" <img id='changeYear' src='"+confSource.drop+"' style='width:12px;height:10px;border:0;'/>"; if(conf.tooltip){ loadScript('', function(){ $(document).ready(function() { // Tooltip only Text $('.masterTooltip').hover(function(){ // Hover over code var title = $(this).attr('title'); $(this).data('tipText', title).removeAttr('title'); $('<p class="tooltip"></p>') .text(title) .appendTo('body') .fadeIn('slow'); }, function() { // Hover out code $(this).attr('title', $(this).data('tipText')); $('.tooltip').remove(); }).mousemove(function(e) { var mousex = e.pageX + 10; //Get X coordinates var mousey = e.pageY + 10; //Get Y coordinates $('.tooltip') .css({ top: mousey, left: mousex }) }); }); }); } } function loadScript(url, callback){ var script, id = document.getElementById('jquery'); if(id != null){ callback(); return; } script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; = 'jquery'; if(script.readyState){ script.onreadystatechange = function(){ if (script.readyState == 'loaded' || script.readyState == 'complete'){ script.onreadystatechange = null; callback(); } }; }else{ script.onload = function(){ callback(); }; } script.src = url; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); } function popUpCalendar(){ var aData = confJson.dateText[0].split("/"); confOther.dateSelected = parseInt(aData[0], 10); confOther.monthSelected = parseInt(aData[1]-1, 10); confOther.yearSelected = parseInt(aData[2], 10); if(isNaN(confOther.dateSelected)||isNaN(confOther.monthSelected)||isNaN(confOther.yearSelected)){ confOther.dateSelected = confToday.dateNow; confOther.monthSelected = confToday.monthNow; confOther.yearSelected = confToday.yearNow; } constructCalendar(); } /* - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - */ /* - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - */ /* - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - X - */ </script> <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
Nota: Antes de pegar el codigo en la caja de Contenido es necesario modificar las URLs en las que se hace referencia al blog donde se desea colocar el calendario, esto se hace mediante cualquier editor de texto como Notepad; en total hay 4 URLs que se tienen que modificar.
Si no deseas o no te es posible copiar el codigo, abajo te dejo los links donde lo podras descargar.
Donwload: Calendario - Blogger.txt
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