25 diciembre 2012

VB.NET - Apps - Download - AutoTecleo - (2005, 2008)

Esta aplicación permite escribir automáticamente lineas de texto en alguna entrada para ello, como puede ser "Bloc de Notas", "Microsoft Word", algún tipo de Chat, la Linea de comandos del DOS, Etc.

Comprobado en Windows 7, salvo que el anti-virus puede malinterpretar este. El programa ejecutable lo pueden encontrar en la ruta: "NombreApp/NombreApp/Bin/Debug/NombreApp.Exe"

Como usarlo?

1. Ejecutar el programa
2. Escribir las lineas de texto que desean Auto-Escribir
3. Establecer numero de veces que se repetirá el mensaje
4. Establecer el intervalo de tiempo entre cada linea
5. Posicionar el cursor en donde se comenzara a Auto-Escribir el mensaje

This application can automatically write lines of text on some entry for it, such as "Notepad", "Microsoft Word", some kind of Chat, the DOS command line, Etc.

Tested on Windows 7, except that the anti-virus may misinterpret this. The executable program can be found on the route: "NameApp / NameApp / bin / Debug / NameApp.Exe"

How to use?

1. Run the program
2. Write lines of text to be Auto-Write
3. Set number of times to repeat the message
4. Set the time interval between each line
5. Position the cursor where you started Auto-Write the message

Download: NET - 2005 - AutoTecleo - V1.0 - VB
Download: NET - 2008 - AutoTecleo - V1.0 - VB

VB.NET - Apps - Código - AutoTecleo - (2005, 2008)

Public Class frm_Main

    Public Send_Keys As Boolean 'Inicia o Detiene el AutoTecleo

    'Declaración de la función GetAsyncKeyState que se usa para leer la pulsación de las teclas F7 y F8
    <System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("user32.dll", ExactSpelling:=True, CharSet:=System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)> _
    Public Shared Function GetAsyncKeyState(ByVal vkey As Integer) As Short
    End Function

    Private Sub frm_Main_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Me.Send_Keys = False
        Me.TransparencyKey = Color.LightGray
    End Sub

    'Iniciar el AutoTecleo estableciendo Send_Keys = True, luego cambia a un tiempo de espera largo para
    'no interferir durante el proceso de AutoTecleo
    Private Sub tmr_Timer_1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmr_Timer_1.Tick
        Dim Key_State As Integer
        Me.tmr_Timer_1.Interval = 10
        Key_State = GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.F7)

        If Key_State < 0 Then
            Me.Send_Keys = True
            Me.tmr_Timer_1.Interval = (60) * (60) * (1000)
        End If
    End Sub

    'Tratar de finalizar e interrumpir el proceso de AutoTecleo estableciendo Send_Keys = False
    Private Sub tmr_Timer_2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmr_Timer_2.Tick
        Dim Key_State As Integer
        Key_State = GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.F8)
        If Key_State < 0 Then
            Me.Send_Keys = False
        End If
    End Sub

    'Función que realiza el AutoTecleo
    Private Sub AutoSendKeys()
        Dim Times, Lines, Count, i As Int32
        Dim Interval As Decimal
        Dim Errors As String
        Dim MessageArray() As String

        Times = Convert.ToInt32(Me.nud_Times.Value.ToString())
        Interval = Convert.ToDecimal(Me.nud_Interval.Value.ToString())
        Lines = Me.txt_Message.Lines.Length
        Count = 0
        Errors = ""

        If (Times <= 0) Then
            Errors = Errors + "Times > 0" + Chr(13)
        End If

        If (Interval <= 0) Then
            Errors = Errors + "Interval > 0" + Chr(13)
        End If

        If (Lines <= 0) Then
            Errors = Errors + "There aren't Text to Write" + Chr(13)
        End If

        If (Errors = "") Then
            ReDim MessageArray(Lines)
            For i = 0 To Lines - 1
                MessageArray(i) = Me.txt_Message.Lines(i).ToString()

            While (Me.Send_Keys = True And Count < Times)
                For i = 0 To Lines - 1
                    If (Me.Send_Keys = True) Then
                        If (i < Lines - 1) Then
                        End If
                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Interval * 1000)
                    End If
                Count = Count + 1
            End While
            Me.Send_Keys = False
        End If
        Me.tmr_Timer_1.Interval = 10
    End Sub
End Class